akhirnye aku ade gak youtube chanel ku sendiri.....walaupun tak sure lagi ape yang aku nak upload lepas ni...yang pasti bukan sekadar assignment semata2x banyak sebenarnye aku nak upload kat youtube tu,tpi nanti-nantilah dulu..satu-satu ...ape-ape pun ni video pertama aku yg berjaya di upload kan...yeah....!!! next thing yang aku nak wat skrang aku nak wat respond video untuk my big sis,DATIN nak cakap thanks kat die ...haha sis tunggu kemunculan video itu.....
2011년 3월 31일 목요일
2011년 3월 21일 월요일
난 정말 걱정 ..
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su-chan...tak leh tengok!! |
It has been a while since the incident , i never get any news about him .... the number of japan earthquake and tsunamis is increasing... hopefully there is nothing happen .After reading this. my worriedness become more and more...
please give me some respond...
2011년 3월 17일 목요일
how i support them?? 내가 어떻게 그들을 지원합니까??
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credit to who took this picture.. |
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credit to who took this picture.. |
Recently we know that japan having terrible earthquake and tsunami. Well , we as other human being .. we need to show them how much we support and care about their difficulties. So this is how i show my support towards them ( even thought this will sound silly but, this my way..)
1. I will buy any food or beverages that import from japan.(but before the nuclear incident, you know why)
2.i will use or if i don't have it,i will buy any japan made electronic device.
3.i will buy and read as much as i can manga, watch and buy anime movie.
4.download (legally) j-pop,j-rock..j-dorama,j-movie..and watch them all.
5. i will find the right source to do some donation (any form of donation)
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this image is belong to me... |
So the conclusion is i will do anything that i could to show them that i support and care about them.. so how about you???
show them your support..
ganbatte nippon-go!!!
p/s: two of my on-line friend are from japan..eventhought i don't know how their status right now, but i will always pray for their safety.. yorito-chan,ru-chan.. i hope you will be fine..
2011년 3월 14일 월요일
난 당신을 기다릴 게요 ...
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난 당신을 기다릴 게요 ... |
setiap saat yang berdetik....
dinding penantian disini makin menebal...adakah akan aku dengari suara mu lagi....
akan aku dengarkah suara merdu mengalunkan kata-kata menyentuh jiwa...
akan aku lihatkah wajah sayup-sayupmu itu lagi..
aka aku lihatkah senyum mu yang menawan itu lagi...
dapat lagikah aku renungan redupmu itu lagi...
2011년 3월 12일 토요일
i wish nothing happen to you...
my heart beating damn so fast when i saw the news.... the first in my mind is... are you ok ru-chan? did you injured? did your places badly affected? same thing goes to my favourite djsusu.. did he doing fine? i lost contact with both since a week ago...oh god.. i am so worried . I really hope nothing bad happen to them.. oh my heart cant stop feeling worried...hope, both of them will doing fine... i am really concern. i really hope you will be fine darling..
myne love story
2011년 3월 9일 수요일
pada 20110309,
Hati mr.Draegone rase macam tak tenteram..
1. Tarikh tu merupakan birthday sahabat lama yang di tunggu-tunggu.Terkinja-kinja nak wish ,seminggu sebelum lagi dah TERUJA...
2.Balik dari kelas je seekor lagi adik bulu mr.Draegone mati...Jeton CheMeon..siannye.. Sedih. Dah la tu mimpi sahabat lain dalam kesusahan la pulak..
3.Tak sangka la pulak ,bahawa sahabat lama yang m.Draegone excited sangat nak wish tu ghoper-ghopernyer ingat lagi kat kite ni......siap borak-borak mesra lagi....TEHARU...ingat dah taknak cakap dah ngan kite...tak pela die tgh excited blaja tu... nanti dah grad kita lepak nak...HAHAHA....macam yeye je aku ni...
Hati mr.Draegone rase macam tak tenteram..
1. Tarikh tu merupakan birthday sahabat lama yang di tunggu-tunggu.Terkinja-kinja nak wish ,seminggu sebelum lagi dah TERUJA...
2.Balik dari kelas je seekor lagi adik bulu mr.Draegone mati...Jeton CheMeon..siannye.. Sedih. Dah la tu mimpi sahabat lain dalam kesusahan la pulak..
3.Tak sangka la pulak ,bahawa sahabat lama yang m.Draegone excited sangat nak wish tu ghoper-ghopernyer ingat lagi kat kite ni......siap borak-borak mesra lagi....TEHARU...ingat dah taknak cakap dah ngan kite...tak pela die tgh excited blaja tu... nanti dah grad kita lepak nak...HAHAHA....macam yeye je aku ni...
myne fren 친구
2011년 3월 7일 월요일
knape checkmate tinggal kan saya???
baru beberapa hari yang lalu , seekor daripada adik berbulu ku(kucing) telah mengalami kemalangan yang mengakibatkan dia maut serta merta di tampat kejadian... aku sedih sangat sampai sekarang . Sebak rasenye hati ni ble melihat jasadnya terkulai kat situ....sekarang tinggal dua ekor adikku (yang ade dalam gambar ni)dengan adik angkat mereka ,jeton che meon,katek,dan kelabu... semoga rohnye tenang....
P/s : checkmate..., akan ku sentiasa merindui mu...
P/s : checkmate..., akan ku sentiasa merindui mu...
myne love story
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