Hehehe....alhamdulillah raya ni antara raya yang paling sederhana buat diriku and family.. tahun ni juggak la bermula nye aku memberi duit raya buat adik2 ku yang mereng 2 senget ni.. Insyaallah , kalau ade rezeki lebih tahun depan, aku bagi kat budak lain ke.. parent and grand parent ke... doa kan lah draegone dapat rezeki lebih....amin...
yang sampul chinesse new year tu......aku bagi lah tu... dah kabut sgt..sampul main tibai je......tyko la katekan...
Setiap kali aku nak tekan je butang tu, air mata ni mengalir laju tanpa di tahan langsung.
Hati bercelaru, otak terhenti berfikir, ape jadi kalau aku tetap tekan butang tu? adakah kesengsaraan yang aku pendam akan kembali bersarang?atau ade cahaya baru yang menanti .....
what a tiring day...thanks to my dearest friend janny,pak guard pavillion,akak shopping,it's skin store (for give me free pack of YE effector..^^)for making my day wonderfull..yeay
and another exciting matter was me and janny had found seoul in kl ?!?! sound impossible...huh^^
but that's kinda true..
we just treat our self in hot sunny day with an ice tube(from korea.. for sure)and clicking some cu-ierd (cute+weird) photo of us..
"sorry la cik, saya dah lapar sangat dah ni." dalam hati mengelodak-lodak, tapi muka cool je..tangan tunjuk tu, tunjuk ni.
"3 seringgit dua dik." " takpe saya amik..makcik bungkus je kuih yang saya tunjuk ni.." lapar gile bunyi nye waktu bercakp ngan makcik tu..
dah ambik kuih ngan muka garang, bayar la..masa tu takde jimat2.. jalan pelan2 ,rase-rase dah jauh sikit dari gerai makcik tu...ape lagi lari mencicit la kite ni bawak diri dan makanan bawah pokok yang redup dan rendang(bukan rEndang makanan tu)..
melantak puas2 , tetibe ade lak budak sekolah lalu, hai bwat muka cool, ciau la dari tempat tu..tinggal sebungkus lagi kuih ni nak habis.. ish bebudak ni...nyibuk je..ape lagi makan sambil menyorok la.... dalam hati "tak senonoh tul aku ni."
ni la kuih yang tinggal sebungkus tu...
p/s: lapar lagi lepas kejadian tu..tapi malu nak gi gerai makcik tu..
Yang pergi sama dengan yang datang, yang sakit sama dengan yang pulih, perit dengan lega . Mana satu perasaan yang harus aku akur . Dia yang pergi amat memeritkan tapi dia yang datang membawa bahagia. Hati ni rasa kaku macam kena bius....numb . Yang mana harus dilepaskan ,yang mana harus digenggam erat.. Yang pergi membawa hati ku lari, yang datang membawa hati untuk diisi
and he like me as i like him without us knowing..till the fate is decided.. OMG....
after 2 1/2 year being a "good friend",i just realize that how much common thing that we had. ALMOST E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.
his favorite colour,drink,food,song,film,drama,style,fashion,..etc . even we had same idea on our few assignment..the only different is our language and gender ...for sure.this song really really remind me all of the similarities fact about us ...peace..i just remember all.. sorry dude..now i just understand all the sign that he show off to me..he really mean it...so the asnwer is..... me too..
its totally scary enough if you are shopping alone.. and i had that horrible experience yesterday..
the story begin... yet after my class,i decide to go shopping (that i never done alone or by myself). reach the shopping mall, i set my watch that it should be at least around 2 hour of shopping especially choosing cloth..i am looking for semi formal or funky formal look for my first meeting with our first client for our future crazy corporate project.. i am DONK!!!! within few minute, i have done choosing cloth that have a nice design but i prefer buy one piece only...coz i just target 1 piece,not 2.. now thescarrypart is which one that i should choose... all of them just suit the style that i wanted.....aaaarghhhhhh!!!! it scared me enough.....어떻게?..... at last, i decide to choose the simple one.... my nightmare ....
this is just the jacket..not the one that i buy...
now this is different story.. i am blussshing enough today.. on my facebook profile , i just upload my new latest profile pix...after a long process of editing.. few moment of using my new pix as profile pix,...... someone click like button,and privately love the pix..(cant show how he comment) i'm wandering who is that and......itSHOCK!!!it's him again...OMG,he make me super blast blussssshing.....he always do that... but why???? owh did he know that i secretly admire him toooo????
wish can show you the comment but i wouldn't do that..
Kepuasan tahap tak brape melampo( sebab tak bawak cermin mate,rabun tak nampak sangat),sebab dapat lepas kan gian nak g jalan-jalan,ngan darling baru plak tu...best la ape lagi..
Tidak dilupekan saat melantak..nasib makan sushi kt sushi king je.. kalau tak bankrap ..
Tpi paling tak boleh bla.. sandal yang tersarung dikaki, tak match langsung ngan baju ...sah dah kabut sangat..
Anyway , memang sangat-sangat best la harini.. tak sesingkat itu perjalanan ku hari ni.
Aku sempat singgah rumah nenda ku dan ajak die bermalam kat teratak ku.. sayng nenek ngan atuk..so check out my flickr page for some photo that i took during the time..
yesterday was my unexpected as i expected , day in my life.I got 2 new darling and they are so handsome enough...haha. And now i having a great time with them right now..