2011년 8월 12일 금요일

my friend ,and they are my college friend forever and ever..

Being the only girl that wear hijjab( tudung) ,i am proud to here , in your memory guys...love you and love me too..

here is some memory that i have about all my friend since the first day i know them..and there is lot  more.
We had  grown  a lot than our first day in college, yet our friendship grow much closer than before...
seriously, i feel so emo when think about it,coz  after this precious  moment, 
all of us will go with our own destiny and pathway that we choose for our future..
some will continue  studies, and other will go on work( like me..)
so guys, hope this moment will last forever and ever.. till end ..

 well guys, you are rock forever rock...

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